Ontario Executors: Glossary of Terms | Are you stuck trying to understand some of the terms you run across as an Ontario Executor? No need to Google them. Here's an "A to Z" list —in plain English— to help. These Ontario Executor Terms Keep You Out of Hot Water. 
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Ontario Executors: Comprehensive Glossary of Terms

Edward Olkovich Law
Last Reviewed September 2024

These Ontario Executor Terms Keep You Out of Hot Water 

Are you stuck trying to understand some of the terms you run across as an Ontario Executor? No need to Google them.

Here’s an “A to Z” list —in plain English— to help.

Edward Olkovich is a Toronto-based Estate Lawyer and a Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law. He serves as a trusted advisor to clients who seek him out for his in-depth knowledge and assistance.