While precise global statistics on inheritance disputes are limited, studies and reports from various regions indicate a noticeable rise in inheritance disputes worldwide, often attributed to factors like complex family structures, increased wealth, and more people opting for DIY wills without legal guidance. 
Family Disputes Generated Content

Noticeable Rise in Inheritance Disputes Worldwide

Google | Generative AI
Generated on March 3rd, 2025

While precise global statistics on inheritance disputes are limited, studies and reports from various regions indicate a noticeable rise in inheritance disputes worldwide, often attributed to factors like complex family structures, increased wealth, and more people opting for DIY wills without legal guidance. 

Key points about the increase in inheritance disputes:
  • Rising trend across regions: Studies from countries like the UK, US, and Australia show a growing number of legal challenges to wills and estate distributions.
  • Complex family dynamics: Blended families, second marriages, and children from previous relationships can lead to more contested inheritance situations.
  • High-value estates: As wealth accumulates, the potential financial gain from contesting a will can become more significant, fueling disputes.
  • DIY wills concerns: Individuals drafting their own wills without legal advice may inadvertently create ambiguities or leave out important details, leading to disputes. 
Some notable statistics on inheritance disputes:
  • 70% of families experience some form of inheritance dispute: A study found that around 70% of families face at least one issue regarding estate division. 
  • Significant increase in will challenges: In the UK, reports show a rise of over 30% in will challenges filed in recent years. 
  • Elderly vulnerability: Concerns about undue influence or capacity issues when older individuals create wills can lead to more contested cases.

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