Having the Correct Power of Attorney is Crucial: Understand the Different Types
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Having the Correct POA is Crucial: Understand the Different Types

Daley Zucker | Attorneys at Law
August 6th, 2024

The future is unpredictable—you never know what could happen tomorrow or even in the next hour. Given the uncertainty of the future, preparing to fulfill your wishes so things go as planned is crucial.

When it comes to ensuring that things will be under control in case of unforeseen circumstances, you must have a designated agent who will act on your behalf.  Through a Power of Attorney (POA), you can let your agent “step into your shoes” either to make important decisions or simply to pay your bills on time.  Your lawyer will assist you in deciding who is the best person to be your agent.  Often, it is a family member(s), but in some limited circumstances your lawyer may be an option.

What are the 6 Types of Power of Attorney?
  1. Durable Power of Attorney
  2. Non-Durable Power of Attorney
  3. Medical Power of Attorney
  4. General Power of Attorney
  5. Limited Power of Attorney
  6. Springing Power of Attorney

Keep in mind that you can name different agents for different POAs. It is crucial to have the correct type of Power of Attorney for your circumstances.

People change, and sometimes, they cannot make decisions on their own anymore.  With the help of a Power of Attorney, you can rest assured that your wishes will be carried out.  You can be confident that your Agent will do everything for you according to your instructions.

Daley Zucker, Attorneys at Law