As we grow older and enter retirement, we face many LIFE-CHANGING decisions. We must consider long-term care, financial well-being, and, ultimately, our end-of-life planning. Fortunately, there are legislations in place to protect the rights and interests of older individuals.
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Elder Care Law: A Comprehensive Guide for Families

By Chelsy Tomashoff
May 31st, 2024

As we grow older and enter retirement, we face many LIFE-CHANGING decisions.

We must consider long-term care, financial well-being, and, ultimately, our end-of-life planning. These issues may seem intimidating, but fortunately, there are legislations in place to protect the rights and interests of older individuals.

As we age, we have to think about legal considerations that will affect our families:

  • Incapacity and infirmities – such as long-term care, nursing home care, memory care
  • Needs for vulnerabilities – separation from family members, loss of network, special needs planning
  • Financial planning – costs for medical needs, death, and planning for the future financial well-being of loved ones
  • Choosing representatives – choosing a personal representative for wills, and trustees for a trust

Make the most out of your loved one’s elderly years and give them the care they need. Find out how you can help them cope with aging in this article.

An elder law attorney offers guidance and advice on legal matters that involve future needs. They can explain the best course of action based on the client’s physical, mental, and financial situation. If an older adult requires long-term care that relatives can’t provide, an elder attorney can assist them in finding a suitable nursing home. They can also connect clients with relevant resources for end-of-life decisions, such as memorial plans and funeral insurance.

Chelsy Tomashoff, Elderly Assist Inc.